Analysis [this section is coming soon!]
Sharing your findings
Sharing your findings is one of the defining characteristics of SoTL work. Now that you’ve documented/collected evidence and learned some things about teaching and learning in your course or program, it’s time to share with others to get feedback and contribute insights that may help others in their teaching practice and our greater knowledge of teaching and learning processes.
Investigating our teaching can be a vulnerable experience, particularly if our findings are that our teaching practices “didn’t work” or didn’t show the learning gains we predicted, but sharing doesn’t have to be scary.
Share with:
- a discipline-based colleague in your department or at another institution
- a few discipline-based colleagues through your promotion and tenure or teaching review meetings
- a wider audience of local colleagues across disciplines at your institution (e.g., the annual Innovations in Teaching and Learning conference at GMU; check with your center for teaching and learning or faculty affairs office to learn what opportunities there are at your institution)
- a wider audience of discipline-based colleagues at a discipline conference
- a wider audience of colleagues from across disciplines at a regional or national pedagogy conference (see our list on our conferences page)
- a wider audience of colleagues from across disciplines and the public through publishing an article about your work (see our list on our publishing page)