New to SoTL?
We have pulled together a number of resources to help you plan your own SoTL project. Visit the following pages on Developing Research Questions, Research Methods and Design, IRB, and Analysis and Sharing; and see the our recommended books, articles, and webguides below.
Featuring: Randy Bass (Georgetown University), Joanna Renc-Roe (Central European University, Budapest), Pat Hutchings (Gonzaga University), Barbara Gayle (Viterbo University), Dan Bernstein (University of Kansas), Mary Taylor Huber (Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching), Gary Poole (University of British Columbia), Nancy Chick (Vanderbilt University), Tony Ciccone (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee), and Sherry Linkon (Georgetown University)
Selected Books and Articles
Bass, Randy. 1999. “The Scholarship of Teaching: What’s the Problem?” Inventio 1, no. 1.
Chick, Nancy L. n.d. The SoTL Guide.
Chick, Nancy L., ed. 2018. SoTL in Action: Illuminating Critical Moments of Practice. Sterling, VA: Stylus Publishing.
Felten, Peter. 2013. “Principles of Good Practice in SoTL.” Teaching & Learning Inquiry 1, no. 1.